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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Google and NASA partnership

Just today I was talking with my good friend Maurizio of MGShareware about how Google does everything. They have a piece of nearly every big industry I can think of.
Granted, they have already dabbled a little bit in NASA's area with their program Google Earth closely resembling NASA World Wind, but now an actual partnership has been announced "on several space-related projects".
On top of taking on the task of organising NASA's various large amounts of information on the intarweb, there are plans for a virtual flyover across the surface of the Moon or Mars. Plans are also being made for joint research, facilities, education and missions.

In other news (hehe) a new paper in the journal Science proposes that it may not be water ice that is spraying from Enceladus, it may actually be coming from reservoirs of clathrates (ice phase of nitrogen and methane), which, if true, makes it unlikely life is there after all. Personally I still think Titan is worth focusing on! Get to it scientists, gawd!

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